Deciding on What is Right for Your Team:
Every person and team are different. Division Wide Presentations tend to be one time and to provide an overview of equity and inclusion strategies for positive and productive working dynamics between deaf and non-deaf colleagues.
Often times, supervisors and leaders or entities have yet to experience the unique dynamics of leading a team of employees who communicate in different modalities. We offer a unique training, the Equity and Inclusion Leadership Training, for leaders who are open to being creative and leverage the strengths of their team and want to implement strategies that can improve the effectiveness of their teams’ dynamics.
If an entity is welcoming their first deaf or hard of hearing employee to the workplace or academic institution, more often than not, the systems in place do not reflect principles and practices that are equitable and inclusive. The Effective Communication Access System Assessment allows our team to learn more about where there are inherent barriers and provide tangible strategies to remove those barriers to create peace of mind and ease of access.
There is also an option for our team to actually Implement Effective Recommendations those strategies and work with your team over time to ensure that the strategies are employed and the focus of your team’s energies are toward furthering the mission of your organization.